The South African Wine Industry Transformation Unit (SAWITU) took the first step in securing a sustainable future for black-owned enterprises.
The signing of a lease agreement with the Agricultural Research Council (ARC) secures space in the Nietvoorbij Cellar Complex for the development of a first-of-its-kind brand home for black-owned enterprises.
“It is important to explore opportunities for small and medium businesses using the existing assets and infrastructure of Public Entities (and other government institutions). The agreement is a prime example of what can be accomplish by thinking ‘out-of-the-box’ and a partnership between the wine industry and the ARC shows what can be done,” says Ms Joyene Isaacs, chairperson of the ARC Council.
“The upgrade of the Nietvoorbij Cellar Complex presented a valuable opportunity for SAWITU and the ARC to work together to help in the effective and accelerated transformation of the wine industry through training, research, and capacity development. We are indeed very excited to embark on this historic journey, share knowledge and learn from one another – both to enable growth within the wine industry and to benefit the broader South African society.”
“These types of initiatives will drive transformation, enterprise development and skills development targets in the wine industry,” says Tshililo Ramabulana, chairperson of SAWITU.
The Wine tasting and Cellar Complex was recently refurbished and transformed into a modern, multi-functional facility which echoes SAWITU’s vision for the brand home. Although housed on the same premises, the brand home will have a unique ethos and culture that resonate with the entrepreneurs who will be utilising this facility.
“The majority of black-owned wine brands and entrepreneurs don’t have a place to call their own and that resembles their identity. By collaborating with the ARC, SAWITU is creating that space for them”, says Wendy Petersen, Operations Manager.
Where two worlds meet
“What attracted us most about the venue, is its location”, says Ms Petersen. Stellenbosch is a popular tourist town and well known for its established wine route and history. This gives our emerging wine brands and entrepreneurs a greater business advantage, anchors them in an agri-tourism environment and making them part of the South African wine industry history.
The historic building in which the new brand home will be located is surrounded by beautiful vineyards and overlooks the local community and nearby township, displaying two worlds so different, yet co-existing in the same space.
Laying the foundation
“We believe that the success of this initiative is built on a firm foundation”, says Ms Petersen. “It was also very important that we manage the expectations of the entrepreneurs and that we all understand the targets and deliverables”.
SAWITU spent the last two years sourcing the most suitable suppliers and service providers and finalised agreements with them. The organisation took time to clarify roles and responsibilities of all the role players, determined performance indicators and measurable targets and assessed the entrepreneurs who will be benefitting from the initial phase of this business model.
Ms Petersen concludes “There is still a lot of work to be done before the brands can move in and start trading, but we are excited to have come this far and look forward to launching the next phase of development.” This initiative is a key strategic game changer towards empowerment of the black owned brands in the wine industry.
Visit our website for more information about SAWITU and follow us on Facebook (@WITURSA), Twitter (@witu_sa) or LinkedIn (SA Wine Industry Transformation Unit).
Photo caption:
The building at the ARC Nietvoorbij campus that will be the new home for black-owned enterprises.
Issued by the South African Wine Industry Transformation Unit.
About the SA Wine Industry Transformation Unit
The SA Wine Industry Transformation Unit is a centre of Excellence in the SA Wine Industry focusing on the empowering and advancing of black stakeholders across the entire wine and brandy value chain.
For more information, contact Wendy Petersen, Operations Manager, at or visit the SAWITU website at
About the Agricultural Research Council
The Agricultural Research Council is a premier science institution that conducts research with partners, develops human capital and fosters innovation in support of the agricultural sector. For more information visit the ARC website at:
Samewerking versterk besigheidsgroei vir ondernemings in swart besit
Die Suid-Afrikaanse Wynindustrie Transformasie-eenheid (SAWITU) het die eerste stap geneem om ‘n volhoubare toekoms vir ondernemings in swart besit te verseker.
Die ondertekening van ‘n huurooreenkoms met die Landbounavorsingsraad (LNR) verseker ruimte in die Nietvoorbij Kelderkompleks vir die ontwikkeling van ‘n eerste-van-sy-soort handelsmerktuiste vir ondernemings in swart besit.
Dis belangrik om geleenthede vir klein en medium ondernemings te ondersoek deur die bestaande bates en infrastruktuur van openbare entiteite (en ander staatsinstellings) te gebruik.
Volgens die voorsitter van die LNR-raad, Me Joyene Isaacs, is die ooreenkoms ‘n uitstekende voorbeeld van wat bereik kan word deur ‘buite-die-boks’ te dink en ‘n vennootskap tussen die wynbedryf en die LNR wys wat gedoen kan word.
“Die opgradering van die Nietvoorbij Kelderkompleks het ‘n waardevolle geleentheid vir SAWITU en die LNR gebied om saam te werk om te help met die effektiewe en versnelde transformasie van die wynbedryf deur opleiding, navorsing en kapasiteitsontwikkeling. Ons is inderdaad baie opgewonde om hierdie historiese reis te onderneem, kennis te deel en van mekaar te leer – om beide groei in die wynbedryf moontlik te maak en om die breër Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing te bevoordeel”, sê me Isaacs.
“Hierdie tipe inisiatiewe sal transformasie, ondernemingsontwikkeling en vaardigheidsontwikkelingsteikens in die wynindustrie dryf,” sê Tshililo Ramabulana, voorsitter van SAWITU.
Die wynproe- en kelderkompleks is onlangs opgeknap en omskep in ‘n moderne, multifunksionele fasiliteit wat SAWITU se visie vir die handelsmerktuiste eggo. Alhoewel dit op dieselfde perseel gehuisves word, sal die handelsmerktuiste ‘n unieke etos en kultuur hê wat met die entrepreneurs wat hierdie fasiliteit sal gebruik, resoneer.
Die meerderheid wynhandelsmerke en entrepreneurs in swart besit het nie ‘n plek om hul eie te noem en ‘n plek wat hul identiteit weerspieël nie. Deur samewerking met die LNR, skep SAWITU daardie ruimte vir hulle,” sê Wendy Petersen, Operasionele Bestuurder.
Waar twee wêrelde ontmoet
“Wat ons die meeste tot die lokaal aangetrek het, is die ligging,” sê me Petersen. Stellenbosch is ‘n gewilde toeristedorp en is bekend vir sy gevestigde wynroete en geskiedenis. Dit gee ons opkomende wynhandelsmerke en entrepreneurs ‘n groter besigheidsvoordeel, anker hulle in ‘n agritoerisme-omgewing en maak hulle deel van die Suid-Afrikaanse wynbedryf se geskiedenis.
Die historiese gebou waarin die nuwe handelsmerktuiste geleë sal wees, word omring deur pragtige wingerde en kyk uit oor die plaaslike gemeenskap en nabygeleë nedersetting (township). Dit vertoon twee wêrelde wat so verskillend is, tog bestaan dit in dieselfde ruimte.
Die fondament is gelê
”Ons glo dat die sukses van hierdie inisiatief op ‘n stewige grondslag gebou is,” sê me Petersen. “Dit was ook baie belangrik dat ons die verwagtinge van die entrepreneurs bestuur en dat ons almal die teikens en aflewerings verstaan.”
SAWITU het die afgelope twee jaar die mees geskikste verskaffers en diensverskaffers gewerf en ooreenkomste is met hulle gefinaliseer.
Die organisasie het tyd geneem om die rolle en verantwoordelikhede van al die rolspelers uit te klaar, prestasieaanwysers en meetbare teikens vas te stel en om die entrepreneurs wat voordeel sal trek uit die aanvanklike fase van hierdie sakemodel, te asseseer.
Me Petersen sluit af “Daar is nog baie werk wat gedoen moet word voordat die handelsmerke kan intrek en begin handel dryf, maar ons is opgewonde om so ver te kon kom en sien uit daarna om die volgende ontwikkelingsfase te loods.” Hierdie inisiatief vervul ‘n sleutel belangrike rol om die speelveld van bemagtiging vir handelsmerke in swart besit in die wynbedryf te verander.
Besoek ons webwerf vir meer inligting oor SAWITU en volg ons op Facebook (@WITURSA), Twitter (@witu_sa) of LinkedIn (SA Wine Industry Transformation Unit).
Foto onderskrif
Die gebou by die LNR Nietvoorbij kampus wat die nuwe tuise vir handelsmerke in swart besit gaan wees.
Uitgereik deur die Suid-Afrikaanse Wynindustrie Transformasie-eenheid.
Meer oor die SA Wynindustrie Transformasie-eenheid
Die SA Wynindustrie Transformasie-eenheid is ‘n sentrum van uitnemendeid in die Suid-Afrikaanse wynbedryf wat fokus op die bemagtiging en bevordering van swart rolspelers oor die hele wyn- en brandewyn waardeketting.
Vir meer inligting, kontak Wendy Petersen, Operasionele Bestuurder, by of besoek die SAWITU webwerf by
Meer oor die Landbounavorsingsraad
Die Landbounavorsingsraad is ‘n leidende wetenskapinstelling wat navorsing met vennote doen, menslike kapitaal ontwikkel en innovasie ter ondersteuning van die landbousektor bevorder. Vir meer inligting besoek die LNR-webwerf by